Empowering Young Women: The Success of Rangiora High School’s Active Wāhine Programme

In a significant stride towards empowering young women, Rangiora High School has seen remarkable growth in its Active Wāhine programme since its inception in Term 4 of 2023. What began with just six enthusiastic participants has now increased to fifteen dedicated girls, with even greater opportunities on the horizon.

The Active Wāhine programme is not merely about physical activity; it embodies a holistic approach to fostering confidence, resilience, and leadership among its participants. Through a variety of sports and wellness activities, the programme aims to instill a sense of empowerment and promote lifelong habits of physical fitness and mental well-being.

The original six girls came together to reflect on their journey so far and plan potential opportunities for them in 2025. During their discussions the girls were asked a series of questions relating to their experience. They talked about how the programme has given them the confidence to try new things things, “Trying something new that you didn’t know you were good at at and liked it and figured out what you can do instead of just having to turn up to practice without having tried it”.

The expansion of the programme is testament to its success and the positive impact it has had on participants. Starting week 2 of Term 3, the Active Wāhine will now accommodate up to twenty participants, allowing even more girls to benefit from its offerings. This growth reflects both the increasing demand for such empowering initiatives and the dedication of Rangiora High School to cater to the diverse needs of its students.

But growth hasn’t just been seen in the number of girls signing up each term but the programme has been able to expand from a 6 week programme to an 8 week programme and has gone from a 45 minute session to an hour session. These changes were based on the participants feedback at the end of Term 2 when they asked for more sessions during the term and for them to be longer. Another testament to the positive impact that this programme is having on our young wāhine.

Active Wāhine not only promotes physical fitness but also emphasises teamwork, goal-setting, and personal growth. Participants engage in a range of modified activities like volleyball and pickleball to yoga and boxing, ensuring a well-rounded approach to health and wellness.

Since being apart of the Active Wāhine programme, the girls have noticed significant changes in the way the engage in school PE, “Often I used to not really give it my all in PE because I was embarrassed to drop the ball,” shared one student. “I am less worried about what the boys think and who actually cares, they don’t care about it and forget about it at the end of the day”

The programme’s success can be attributed to the dedicated staff, supportive school community, and the commitment of the participants themselves. By providing a safe and inclusive environment, Rangiora High School & North Canterbury Sport & Recreation Trust, have created a space where young women can thrive and build lifelong skills.

The programme is further bolstered by the unwavering support of parents and caregivers. “I like it because if we do legs in the gym and I tell my dad then he tells me thats good and makes me feel like I have achieved something”. Their encouragement and support not only contribute to the girls’ enjoyment and commitment but also reinforce the values of teamwork, discipline, and self-confidence that Active Wāhine aims to instill.

The girls on the programme are motivated to attend each week because it’s not just about fitness; it’s about having fun and enjoying time with their friends. “I like doing it with friends, keeps it fun” This camaraderie and shared enjoyment make each session something they eagerly anticipate, fostering a supportive and enjoyable atmosphere that enhances their overall experience in the programme.  “The exercises are made fun”.

As Active Wāhine continues to grow and inspire, Rangiora High School sets a shining example of how schools can empower their students through innovative and inclusive programmes. With each new participant, the programme not only strengthens its community but also paves the way for a healthier and more empowered generation of young women. The girls noted that since they have been on the programme they have other girls coming up to them and asking about the programme and when they join.

In conclusion, the success of Rangiora High School’s Active Wāhine programme serves as a beacon of empowerment and inspiration. By investing in the physical and mental well-being of its students, the school is shaping future leaders who are poised to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.